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aktive Profile


43 Beiträge42 Beteiligte0 Beiträge heute


Heyo, I am Ahri Enby, a neurodivergent enby gaming enthusiast and audiophile living in Southeast Asia who used to play
#genshinimpact, #honkaistarrail and #zenlesszonezero and now currently plays #wutheringwaves and searches for their mission to empower trans and enby people. I am also active on #Lemmy.

My name comes from the League of Legends character who was also my main back in Wild Rift.

I prefer to help others and to bring about joy and happiness where I can (and make a safe place for trans people and allies 18 and older)!

"News Happens Here First"

Largest Fediverse News Site
No Pay Walls
600+ Sources
Global Audience
Journalist Owned

Independent World News For You, By You!

Aure Free Press on Mastodon:

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Aure Free Press Extra:
In-depth, exclusive reporting, interviews, etc.

hey! I've just moved here today and i thought I'd start by introducing myself. I'm an ecologist, specialized in avian and herpetofaunal ecology. i am also very interested in the data science aspect of the discipline, and i am working on getting more familiar with the ins and outs of R programming, and hopefully moving to more conventional programming, so i can feed into my other interests.

i am also muchly into open source software, specifically Emacs and Void Linux, and in my free time, work on contributing to Void Linux packages and my Emacs config. i tend to talk about all of these things a lot.

I'm big on cats. well, basically everything about them. expect a LOT of photos.

i also play the guitar a little and I'm predominantly into loud and dark music. I do talk about the music i listen to as well, both here and on my blog articles.

i also occasionally like to indulge in woodworking, and i hope to get more active with it

i have been blogging since 2016, on and off, and recently revived my blog after a hiatus of nearly 2 years.

you can read more about me at

a juvenile Shaheen with a Pond heron Kill. Photo by GK; see [about me](
peregrinator's blogperegrinator's blog
Mehr von aphex twink

(New intro!) Hi everyone! :> I'm Hexaitos (or mostly just Hex), an (actual!) bateleur eagle from Germany ^v^

I'm interested in computers and I like tinkering with both software and hardware. I mainly use Linux or other *nix systems. I self-host a whole bunch of stuff as well. I also really like birds (obviously!), taking walks, learning languages and taking photos (mostly of, you guessed it, birds!). I also do a bit of gaming from time to time.

My actual job is working as a network and systems administrator for a small ISP which includes a lot screaming at computers when they inevitably don't do what I want them to.

I mostly post about random stuff I am working on (computer- or software-related things most of the time!), random photos (I take a lot of photos…) or other random ramblings! ^v^

I'm a bit shy but always open for a chat! Check out my website ( if you want to send me a message!

Feral ref is by IndiWolf and anthro ref is by FaultyArts!

Dear Lovely Peeps:

An (re?) #Introduction might be in order. I have decided it is time to stop wandering & settle down in a nice sunny garden. 😊

I've been around since 2016, and wherever I am, I try to create a wee gentle eddy of peace & whimsy in my corner of the Fediverse. 😇

I have a #hope-full perspective. Am strongly influenced by #DoctorWho. 😄 Believe in a #SolarPunk / #HopePunk future. Manage to find small good things to celebrate every day. 🎉

Am interested in #FOSS, #travel, #photography, #sustainability, #accessibility, #reading, #writing, being #outside, #LowTech / #NoTech solutions, and a whole lot more.

(I have a neuro-spicy brain so 'a whole lot more' really is a LOT! 😄 )

Come in, have a scroll, and maybe breathe a little easier. I hope you enjoy your time here. 💛

Hi Fediverse! My #Introduction - new here cause I'm missing the days of seeing art and humor all in one place without so much garbage. Some of my big interests are music (esp Japanese music), journaling/stationery, art...been considering getting into web dev lately as another hobby. I speak Japanese (more or less) and am LGBTQ! If any of that sounds cool, feel free to say hi 😄


Bonjour Fediverse ! 👋 Moi c'est Ben 36y, développeur et passionné d'open source basé en France.

👨‍💻 Mon quotidien technique : Golang, Node.js, Vue.js, Python, Docker et Linux.
📚 J'écris sur et je m'intéresse aussi à l'impression 3D et l'électronique.

Ravi de rejoindre cette communauté pour échanger sur le développement et les technologies libres !

#introduction #dev #opensource #golang #webdev #developers #programming

devbyben.frBlog | Ben.Découvrez mes articles sur le développement web, DevOps, et mes retours d'expérience.

Servus Mastodon,
wir die #PiratenparteiOberbayern🏴‍☠️ sind jetzt auch #Neuhier!

Natürlich gibt es die schon seit etwa 2018 im #Fediverse, aber für regionale Infos und Aktionen folgt gerne diesem Account hier.
Und natürlich auch unserem Mutteraccount @lvbayern.
Falls ihr aus München seid auf jeden Fall auch @piraten_muc.

Grüße gehen auch raus an unseren Schwesteraccount aus #Niederbayern @piraten_ndb 👋

#neuhier #introduction #introduktion
Aus gegebenem Anlass: es kommen ja gerade wieder richtig viele neue Nutzer in's Fediversum. Ich sehe jedenfalls reihenweise neue Follower, und das ist an sich ganz schön. Aber bitte: legt euch doch wenigstens ein Profilbild und mindestens ganz basale Info auf eurer Profilseite zu. Wo soll denn sonst die Motivation zum Zurückfolgen herkommen?
Naja, trotzdem herzlich Willkommen allen neuen Followern, und allen neuen Trötern insgesamt! Enjoy!

An #introduction, since my original one is long buried.

I'm a London-born musician, writer, artist and teacher living in Vienna. Most of my posts here are about #studio technology, #retrocomputing devices, #kpop and other diverse interests. I don't really have a brand to sell, but broadly I appreciate the #LGBTQ, leftist/anarchist and practical ethos that seems to thrive on Mastodon.

I occasionally drop a new album of music and they are all free to download. So, help yrself, yeah?