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Piccole perle del #fediverso:

1) Gli sviluppatori dei bot che ti avvisano quando non ripulisci per bene i link alle piattaforme GAFAM e introduci tuo malgrado delle tracciature.

2) Gli sviluppatori di #Mastodon che hanno introdotto la funzione per modificare i post e spazzare via i codici di tracciamento.

Grazie di esistere!

#GutenMorgen #Fediverse

Habe gestern noch einmal die Bio meiner Mastodons
1) Haupt-Account
2) Neben-Account
überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

Meine beiden Identitäten habe ich jetzt geringfügig in
1) Matteo (Mastodon)
2) Matteo (MiniBlog)

Ich finde, das macht die unterschiedlichen Zweckbestimmungen auf den ersten Blick besser verständlich, insbesondere was die primitive, Leser-interaktive Blog-Funktion betrifft.

Außerdem werkel ich noch an einer dritten Funktion, Matteo (NostrChat), zum Austausch einfacher, anonymer, verschlüsselter Direkt-Nachrichten. Mastodon kann im Augenblick bekanntlich ja leider keine automatische Verschlüsselung. Wäre dann eine perfekte Ergänzung!

Schönes Wochenende noch 🌞 – Mia san Mastodon.Matteo (Mastodon) ( Beiträge, 53 Folge ich, 79 Follower · Matteo (Mastodon) = 1. Mastodon Haupt-Account hier fürs Micro-Blogging zu allgemeinen Themen, wie z.B.: #Fediverse #Mastodon #Phanpy #Linux #Debian #Android automatische Löschung alter Beiträge nach 1 Monat
⚡🇺🇦President Zelensky: “Today, I spoke with Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State. I thanked him for his support, and for his prayers for Ukraine and for peace. The Vatican is very supportive of the realistic (VIDEO and more) #Ukraine #Mastodon #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Press #News #Taiwan #Media #Japan #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #UnitedStates #UnitedKingdom
#EuropeanUnion #russiaUkraineWar

TelegramZelenskiy / OfficialToday, I spoke with Cardinal Parolin, the Vatican's Secretary of State. I thanked him for his support, and for his prayers for Ukraine and for peace. The Vatican is very supportive of the realistic possibility of saving lives through a ceasefire. Today, I also spoke with Patriarch Bartholomew. He also expressed his support for our state and our people. Support for our diplomacy. I have just spoken with American Pastor Franklin Graham, President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. He is a very wise man. And we really appreciate such voices in the United States of America – voices for peace. Today, I also spoke with French President Emmanuel Macron – Emmanuel, as always, has a clear knowledge of all the details and offers good ideas. We analyzed the state of diplomacy today, the options available. We discussed the technical aspects of monitoring the ceasefire, possible next steps in diplomacy and in protecting our people and our Europe. Today, I also have a scheduled conversation with President Erdogan of Türkiye – I want to inform the President about our position on the ceasefire and our readiness for quick and honest diplomacy aimed at ending the war.