@normalemoewe92 :
My grandfather (born 1900) was sent to Nazi labour camps. He was not murdered by Nazi's (like his family was) because he was maried to a Dutch woman (who had to flee Arnhem with my dad and his sister and a few belongings) by feet.
Holocaust musea around the "civilised" world ONLY mean JEWS when they preach "Never again". For anyone but Jews this implies Holocaust denial.
Worse, land theft is being legitimated by those musea, and anyone who objects must be silenced for "antisemitism", if not die.
Watch a Holocaust survivor: https://syzito.xyz/@fkamiah17/114108969382052631
Elon Musk forgot about his visit (https://infosec.exchange/@ErikvanStraten/113957386557871637) with his Hitler salute
@goedelchen @Remittancegirl