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@ErikUden I really don’t get it. Why must the Mastodon developers deviate from what hashtags are used for in other social networks? Having a sentence like „The #Genocide in #Gaza continues.“ makes perfect sense to me and I want to see that post due to both hashtags. Please explain your motivation.


>Menschen aus Gaza sitzen in Israel und Westjordanland fest

-Aufenthaltsstatus von Menschen aus Gaza Kein Vor und kein Zurück

Stand: 16.03.2025 13:36 Uhr

"Tausende ehemalige Gastarbeiter aus dem Gazastreifen sitzen seit dem 7. Oktober 2023 in Israel und dem Westjordanland fest und gelten als "Illegale". Auch Patienten sind betroffen. Sie wiederum fürchten eine Abschiebung."

#Westbank · Viele Menschen aus Gaza sitzen in Israel und dem Westjordanland festVon Bettina Meier

[11:36] LIVE | Houthi’s en Iran dreigen terug te slaan na Amerikaanse aanval. 'Gepast, doeltreffend en beslissend antwoorden'

Israël en Hamas onderhandelen over een nieuw akkoord nu het eerste deel is verlopen. Of het staakt-het-vuren in Gaza standhoudt komende tijd is nog maar de vraag.

#Israël #Hamas #eerste #Gaza

Dagblad van het Noorden · LIVE | Israël: luchtaanvallen op Gaza begonnen omdat Hamas weigerde gijzelaars vrij te latenVon De redactie van Dagblad van het Noorden
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@normalemoewe92 :

My grandfather (born 1900) was sent to Nazi labour camps. He was not murdered by Nazi's (like his family was) because he was maried to a Dutch woman (who had to flee Arnhem with my dad and his sister and a few belongings) by feet.

Holocaust musea around the "civilised" world ONLY mean JEWS when they preach "Never again". For anyone but Jews this implies Holocaust denial.

Worse, land theft is being legitimated by those musea, and anyone who objects must be silenced for "antisemitism", if not die.

Watch a Holocaust survivor:

Elon Musk forgot about his visit ( with his Hitler salute

@goedelchen @Remittancegirl

Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz (#IKRK), seine umstrittene #Neutralität und seine Rolle bei der Freilassung der Geiseln im Gazastreifen: eine lesenswerte, persönliche Stellungnahme des Leiters der Delegation vor Ort, Julien Lerisson.
➡️ („For the hostages in Gaza, the Red Cross is neutral - but we are not bystanders“)
➡️ (Enzyklopädie)

International Committee of the Red Cross · For the hostages in Gaza, the Red Cross is neutral - but we are not bystanders

[15:04] Israeli airstrike kills nine people in north Gaza town amid ceasefire disputes

At least nine Palestinians were killed, including two local journalists, and others wounded on Saturday in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza's northern Beit Lahiya town, Gaza's health ministry said, as Hamas' leaders hold Gaza ceasefire talks with mediators in Cairo.

#Atleastnine #Palestinians #two #Saturday #Israeli #Gaza #BeitLahiya #Hamas #Cairo

Irish Independent · Israeli airstrike kills nine people in north Gaza town amid ceasefire disputesVon Nidal al-Mughrabi

[14:07] Nine dead after airstrike in Gaza amid ceasefire talks

At least nine Palestinians were killed, including two local journalists, and others wounded in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza's northern Beit Lahiya town, Gaza's health ministry said, as Hamas' leaders hold Gaza ceasefire talks with mediators in Cairo.

#Atleastnine #Palestinians #two #Israeli #Gaza #BeitLahiya #Hamas #Cairo