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Intro 6/10
Combining pixel art with paper circuits turned out to be a fun way to get kids creative with electronics. Some kids like to copy their favorite emoticons or game art; others go with abstract patterns or come up with their own designs. Never have I ever experienced a kid shying away from the challenge because they think they cannot draw. More about this:

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School vouchers sure are good for someone — but it’s not necessarily kids. Here’s @TexasObserver on how in the Lone Star state, the push for school choice could provide a huge payday for private contractors. These certified educational assistance organizations (CEAO) will act as middlemen between the state, parents and private schools — for a fee, of course.

The Texas Observer · How Voucher Vendors Could Make Millions from ‘School Choice’ in TexasThe Legislature’s current proposals put a handful of private contractors in the driver’s seat. Other states have already seen problems.

Out today at Austin Free Press: Respected UT professor Richard Heyman was arrested and lost his job after an altercation with police at a protest for #Palestine last year. Newly released video shows the Texas state trooper deliberately shoving Heyman multiple times.

A State Trooper and former UT professor, Richard Heyman in a confrontation during the April 29th pro-Palestinian protest on UT-Austin's campus.
Austin Free Press · Days of rage: A U.T. professor and state trooper collideA State Trooper lost his $62 bicycle bell; a UT professor lost his job of 19 years.

Today is WHO Covid19 Pandemic day.: the World Health Organization declared COVID a pandemic on this day five years ago.

We're celebrating with The Invisible Shield, a four-part docuseries about how public health systems work (and don't work) -- and how public health workers are unsung heroes.

It's a great teaching tool for exploring the complex systems of public health and igniting student interest in public health careers.

Get our free learning guide for grades 11-12, higher education, community groups, and general public use.

#PublicHealth #Pandemic #CovidIsNotOver #Covid19PandemicDay #StemEducation #Education #Homeschooling #CTE @education @edutooters @stemed @film

Today NASA is closing their Office of the Chief Scientist and Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy and also their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility branch.

It's a great time to remind your learning community of the incredible achievements of the Black women mathematicians in the 1960's space program that successfully put a man on the Moon. Yes, we're talking about Disney's Hidden Figures.

We offer a Hidden Figures discussion guide that's great for public screenings and low-key classroom use. We also offer classroom-ready lesson plans, across the curriculum, for grades 9-12.

Like all our materials, these guides are free for everyone. Get yours now.

#NASA #CurrentEvents #WomensHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #DEI #USPol #Education #Homeschooling #Histodons @stemed @education @edutooters @film

Journeys in FilmHidden Figures | Journeys in FilmHidden Figures Movie discussion guide and lessons for teaching U.S. History, STEM, Black History. This guides supports UN SDGs.

I'm really bothered by the replies to this post by @syntaxseed where people link illiteracy to the present USA President in several ways, while this is the result of decades of policies to gut education, e.g. the No Child Left Behind of Bush, and illiterate people usually end up in poorly paid and very unhealthy jobs. Illiteracy is part of the necropolitics of the class war.

In my EU country the Netherlands illiteracy has risen under Rutte from 1 million in 2007 to at least 2,5 million adults in 2020, IIRC.

PHP Community on MastodonSherri W (SyntaxSeed) ( 1 image Friend's meme coping strategy isn't pulling any punches today. 😳 #politics #USPoli #CdnPoli #tariffs #literacy

English below.

Wenn ich hier im Fediverse einen Account eröffnen würde, und über tiergestützte Pädagogik posten würde, mit Fokus auf Wien und Umgebung, würdest du folgen, boosten, weiterverbreiten?

Bei Tiergestützter Pädagogik handelt es sich um hauptsächlich außerschulische pädagogische Angebote, bei denen Kinder und Jugendliche über längere Zeit hinweg mit Tieren begleitet und über die Beziehung mit den Tieren gefördert werden.

Ich würde natürlich nicht hauptsächlich Werbung für Angebote posten, sondern ganz viele Informationen, Materialien, Hintergrundwissen, Studien und natürlich Unmengen an süßen Tierbildern.

Ich möchte gern wissen, ob es sich schon auszahlt, einen solchen Account zu eröffnen.

Die Antwortmöglichkeiten:

1) Interessiert mich nicht.
2) Ich würde vielleicht still folgen.
3) Ich würde folgen und ggf mal was boosten.
4) Ich würde die Angebote an Freund*innen in Wien, die Kinder haben, weiterleiten.


If I started an account here in the Fediverse about animal assisted education with a focus on Vienna, Austria, would you follow, boost, share outside the Fediverse?

Animal assisted education is mainly education outside school, where kids and adolescents are accompanied over a longer period of time and are fostered by forming bonds with the animals.

I wouldn't mainly post promotional offers, but a lot of info, knowledge, studies and of course lots of cute animal pictures.

I want to know if it already makes sense creating such an account in the Fediverse.

The poll options are:

1) I'm not interested
2) I'd silently follow
3) I'd follow and occasionally boost
4) I'd share the offers with friends near Vienna Austria, who have kids.

Newly confirmed Education Secretary Linda McMahon has released her "final mission" for the Department of Education, potentially setting the stage for the agency's dismantling. In a document posted to the department's website, she stated that parents are the primary decision makers in their children's education, that taxpayer-funded education should focus on math, reading, science and history "not divisive DE programs and gender ideology," and that postsecondary education should be "a path to a well-paying career aligned with workforce needs." Here's the story from @abc. Find McMahon's full statement at the second link.

Middle-class white Americans think that history is something that happened a long time ago, mostly to other people.

They are encouraged in this by an educational system that avoids dealing with anything more recent than 1980, because it is "controversial". Nothing in the living memory of the parents of school children is taught. Otherwise they might disagree with the accepted Whig view that the natural arc of history bends towards America.

Nominally, high school US history courses tend to be split into 1620-1870 and 1870-2000. They get equal weight... but there's always a crunch towards the end of the year, so the last couple of decades get short shrift. All you need to know, kids, is that Ronald Reagan defeated the Evil Empire and the Berlin Wall was taken down, then there were computers and cable TV. Time for a test!

Anyway, that's how we got here.