Hi everyone! I'm Detha, a new member of Beige Party-goers with #AuDHD from #Indonesia. I'm currently in my late-20s and a #polyglot — I speak three languages fluently: #Indonesian, #Javanese, and #English. I've also been learning #Japanese, currently trying to memorise Hiragana and Katakana letters.
I work in #education as a high school #teacher, teaching #ALevel #mediastudies. I'm married to a fellow teacher, but he teaches primary English.
I love playing #videogames, despite me being quite bad at it lol. Some of my all-time favourites include #ResidentEvil, #DevilMayCry, and #TheSims. I also play #GenshinImpact and #HonkaiStarRail. I also like being a backseat #gamer and watch other people play games (mostly my husband and YouTubers). My favourite video game genres are #RPG, #simulation, and #casual.
Other than that, I love reading #manga a lot. Currently I'm making it my mission to read older mangas from my childhood, like #DetectiveConan and #Hellsing. I like reading in general, just not "actual books" haha — my attention span can't handle it.
The music that I listen to are mostly the loud stuff, but my favourite genres are #Hyperpop, #Metalcore, and #Hardstyle EDMs like #Trap and #Dubstep. I actually have a #tattoo of #AvengedSevenfold on my left forearm!
I guess that's what I can think of for my #introduction for now. I have a lot more scattered interests though, so you'll be seeing more of it on my account.
Thank you to @theropologist for accepting my request to join this instance, and nice to meet you all! Beige-bless