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Been busy managing stuff, the result is something close to a touring schedule...I guess 🫠

Here's some info on our next two dates:

22.03. Musikzentrale #Nürnberg w/CIRCVIT, DROWN THE SUN, NIGHT WANDERER

29.03. Haus Metternich #Koblenz w/FAILED STAR, BUILT TO FALL, GORDON BISHOP

But there's more to come - in fact the year is getting busier than we expected! Stay tuned if you'd like to know when we'll make it to your area 🙃

And have a beautiful weekend of course! 💚

I just found out from a toot by @inanedirk that a new Steven Wilson album is coming out today. I'll listen to it later when I'm at home and have the necessary peace and quiet. For now, the music needs to be a bit more aggressive... #NowPlaying Brainwashed by While She Sleeps 🎶

Image for Brainwashed (Deluxe Version) by While She Sleeps
Songlink/OdesliBrainwashed (Deluxe Version) by While She SleepsListen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

Hello Bavaria! 😀

We will be heading to Nürnberg on March 22nd to play a show alongside three awesome local #metalcore and #progressivemetal bands by the names of CIRCVIT, DROWN THE SUN and NIGHT WANDERER.

If you're from the area, please do come along and tell your friends, this line-up is one not to miss! 💚

Also, in the vein of our #diy spirit, here's the artwork our singer created from scratch for this event. Thanks for sharing! 🤗

I'm still stunned by the quality vocals that Andromida delivers nowadays :o

Andromida - Hollow Heart

... Although I'm sure he has had a little electronic help here and there, esp with the clear vocals. 😉 YouTubeAuf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

🎶 Musik im Fediverse: Musikempfehlungen austauschen, eigene Musik vorstellen, u.v.m.

Es gibt wirklich ein großes und breites Spektrum an Musik-Communitys im

#Rock #Wave #Punk #HipHop #Techno #BlackMetal #CountryMusic #Gothic #Dancehall #Reggae #Trance #EDM #Krautrock #Ska #RnB #Metalcore #Hardcore #Progrock #Emo #Klassik #Classical #ClassicalMusic
Von ganz allgemeinen Musik-Communitys wie oder über einzelne Musikgenres wie oder , bestimmte Musik"epochen" wie , bestimmte Themen wie bis hin zu (einigen wenigen) über bestimmte #Bands/ Musiker*innen (u.a. #GratefulDeath #Gorillaz und #Björk)

Ihr könnt die Communitys abonnieren, die Euch interessieren und/oder selbst Musik (ggf. auch eigene) empfehlen.
Schaut bei Interesse einfach mal, ob was für Euch dabei ist. Hier kann nach Communitys gesucht werden (auch zu allen möglichen anderen Themen natürlich):

Kopiert dann die URL in Euer Suchfeld, dann könnt ihr dem Account folgen. Eigene Beiträge in die Community posten könnt Ihr, indem ihr den Account taggt.
Schaut ggf. in der Profilbeschreibung nach, was die Schwerpunkte sind und ob es bspw. erlaubt ist, eigene Musik zu promoten.

#Mastodon #Akkoma etc. aus: Der erste Absatz Eures Posts wird die Überschrift in Lemmy. Der Post sollte also mit einer "Überschrift" starten, bei Musikempfehlungen i.d.R. mit der Angabe von artist - title + ggf. year

Viel Spaß!

#Musik #Music #Musikempfehlungen #FediHilfe #FediTipps

Hi everyone! I'm Detha, a new member of Beige Party-goers with #AuDHD from #Indonesia. I'm currently in my late-20s and a #polyglot — I speak three languages fluently: #Indonesian, #Javanese, and #English. I've also been learning #Japanese, currently trying to memorise Hiragana and Katakana letters.

I work in #education as a high school #teacher, teaching #ALevel #mediastudies. I'm married to a fellow teacher, but he teaches primary English.

I love playing #videogames, despite me being quite bad at it lol. Some of my all-time favourites include #ResidentEvil, #DevilMayCry, and #TheSims. I also play #GenshinImpact and #HonkaiStarRail. I also like being a backseat #gamer and watch other people play games (mostly my husband and YouTubers). My favourite video game genres are #RPG, #simulation, and #casual.

Other than that, I love reading #manga a lot. Currently I'm making it my mission to read older mangas from my childhood, like #DetectiveConan and #Hellsing. I like reading in general, just not "actual books" haha — my attention span can't handle it.

The music that I listen to are mostly the loud stuff, but my favourite genres are #Hyperpop, #Metalcore, and #Hardstyle EDMs like #Trap and #Dubstep. I actually have a #tattoo of #AvengedSevenfold on my left forearm!

I guess that's what I can think of for my #introduction for now. I have a lot more scattered interests though, so you'll be seeing more of it on my account.

Thank you to @theropologist for accepting my request to join this instance, and nice to meet you all! Beige-bless :bb: