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This apparently also bypasses Fail2Ban and I wonder what the solution is then.

«IoT Devices in Password-Spraying Botnet:
Microsoft is warning Azure cloud users that a Chinese controlled botnet is engaging in “highly evasive” password spraying. Not sure about the “highly evasive” part; the techniques seem basically what you get in a distributed password-guessing attack»


Schneier on Security · IoT Devices in Password-Spraying BotnetMicrosoft is warning Azure cloud users that a Chinese controlled botnet is engaging in “highly evasive” password spraying. Not sure about the “highly evasive” part; the tech…

Örks, unter greift wohl SASL Auth Fehler von nicht, Filter wohl kaputt. Problem insbesondere unser Lieblingshassobjekt / . Also manuell.

journald -t entspricht SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER bei journalmatch. Macht dann:

journalmatch = SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=postfix/smtps/smtpd
failregex = \[<HOST>\]: SASL ((?i)LOGIN|PLAIN|(?:CRAM|DIGEST)-MD5) authentication failed:(?! Connection lost to authentication server| Invalid authentication mechanism)

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